Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Where does the Garbage go?

96% Americans have eaten at 3 or more different fast food places. Take McDonalds, Wendy's, Buger King, White Castle and Taco Bell for example. Usually, the food comes in a small plastic shopping bag.From U.S. News & World report, A taco bell on Main St. in Cali. created a 10-mile wide long disposable sacks at the middle of the Pacific. It was discovered after a private research.Most plastic bags end up in land fills, and that's only part of the millions of tons of plastic garbage americans dump each year.

Garbage VS Animals

While hunting for food in the ocean or a sea shore, animals mistaken tooth brushes and lighters for fish. Mammals that swim in the ocean get trapped or sometimes strangled by ropes, tight rubber whoops, tires, and other terrible things that would strangle them or cut them badly. Sea turtle mistaken plastic bags for jelly fishes.

Yummy.....Jelly Fish

A sea turtle mistaken a plastic bag for a jelly fish.

Sea Lion

This poor harmless sea lion swan into either a hard plastic packing bands or heavy rubber loops made from inner tube material. About half are caught in fishing gear. A few are tangled in netting or rope, and one has an old tire stuck around its neck. Any kind of loop that goes into the water can be deadly. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_bgPjX0ACtzQ/SacyBifgLOI/AAAAAAAAAAM/vBk16i-zuGY/s1600-h/sea+lion.jpg

Animal Families

Just another calm and peaceful day. Your swimming in the ocean. It's been a long day. Feeling kinda hungry? You spot some delicious jelly fishes near the shore. You realize you haven't eat for a while now. You quicky swim as fast as you can to the shore. You walk towards the jelly fish and gobble it up. Seconds later, you start to panic. You can't breath. You feel scared, alarmed, helpless. Little did you know that what you have eaten was a plastice garbage bag, not the feast you had in mind. No point to struggle. It's too late.

A mother sea bird walks around on the shore, looking for fishes to eat and chew for her baby chics. A couple moments later, the adult sea birds finds not one, but a couple of dead fishes spread out in the open land. She takes the closest one near her, gripping it tightly in her beak. She walks towards her babies, who are waiting anxiously for their mother to bring them food. The mother chewed on what seems to be a fish, her eyes widen. She flaps her wings but was too stunned and shocked to fly. Her chics tilt their tiny heads to the side, confused towards their mother's reaction. It took about 12 whole seconds before all there is 4 chics alone by themselfs on the shore. Not to mention one dead mother bird.

Thursday, February 26, 2009